Kathy Wood and I: How I Fell Down the Ed Wood, Jr. Angora Rabbit Hole (hardback)
Kathy Wood and I: How I Fell Down the Ed Wood, Jr. Angora Rabbit Hole
by Bob Blackburn
302 pages
6x9 size
ISBN 9798887715599
When Bob Blackburn, the son of Pacific N.W. sportscasting legend Bob Blackburn, moved to Hollywood, CA. in March of 1989, little did he know how his life would change. Renting a small studio apartment in the heart of Hollywood to be near his radio job, he attended an Ed Wood, Jr. Film Festival in 1992 and saw a documentary on Ed that changed his life. A petite woman, “Kathy Wood-Ed Wood’s widow” was interviewed for this, and Bob recognized her as a neighbor in his building. A few months later he was told about a movie titled Ed Wood, starring Johnny Depp and directed by Tim Burton. His contact with, and help, brought a new friendship with Kathleen O’Hara Wood, “Ed Wood’s Widow”. That continued to her passing in 2006 and to this day. A story of friendship, cult movies and a cross-dressing anti-hero.
This is Bob’s story of discovering the world of the “Worst Director of All Time”, and an unlikely friendship.
Plan9Crunch Podcast 11: Bob Blackburn, Author of Kathy Wood And I...
Meep! meep!
Author Dan Sendker talks about his*Dance of the Comedians - 75 Years of the Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote - An Unauthorized History* on the Jan. 18 and Sun. Jan 19 edition of “Flashback with Wes Britton!” Then stay tuned for author Bob Blackburn discussing his * Kathy Wood and I: How I Fell Down the Ed Wood, Jr. Angora Rabbit Hole* on “Remember Again” on the Artistfirst radio network!
Yep, deep dives into classic Warner Bros. cartoons Sat. Jan 18 at 7:00 p.m. Eastern over:
Then, at 8:00, dive into the unique world of Ed Wood Jr., his *Plan 9 from Outer Space,* and the 1994 *Ed Wood* biopic starring Johnny Depp by streaming us or downloading the shows anytime you like this weekend at:
Dr. Wesley Britton, Host Artist first flashback with Wes Britton
Wes Britton’s “Remember Again” ArtistFirst page:
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