Harangue for Hollywood! From the blighted urban squalor of Detroit--Paris of the Midwest--came enfant terrible Mike White and his mutant publication, Cashiers du Cinemart. For fourteen years and fifteen issues the writers of Cashiers du Cinemart provided a treasure trove of writing on film and popular culture. This book collects the best articles from the fifteen year history of Cashiers du Cinemart magazine with sections dedicated to Quentin Tarantino, Star Wars, Black Shampoo, Unproduced screenplays, celebrity interviews, and much more. Everything has been refreshed, polished, and improved for this volume of movie mayhem.
Featuring articles by Leon Chase, Chris Cummins, Skizz Cyzyk, Andrew Grant, Clifton Howard, Rich Osmond, Mike Thompson, Andrea White, and Mike White.
Cover art by Jim Rugg and Jasen Lex. Illustrations by Dean Stahl, Pat Lehrner, and Jonathan Higgins.
Copy editing and layout by Lori Hubbard Higgins.
"This lively, quirky volume hops all over the outre-movie map via dozens of articles culled from the magazine and website Cashiers du Cinemart. Subjects range from vintage noir novelist David (Shoot the Piano Player) Goodis and his current counterpart James (L. A. Confidential) Ellroy to an overdue appreciation of the brilliant but inexplicably obscure Canadian cinematic satirist John (The Big Crime Wave) Paizs, a salute to Japan's Lone Wolfe and Cub series and even an affectionate ode to diminutive composer/sometimes actor Paul (Phantom of the Paradise) Williams. Cult filmmakers Monte (Two-Lane Blacktop) Hellman, Guy (Careful) Maddin, zany thespian Crispin (Willard) Glover, novelty deejay Dr. Demento (nee Barry Hansen) and horror host Svengoolie (aka Rich Koz) are among the offbeat interview subjects included in the mix. Informative, irreverent and on the money, Impossibly Funky reps a must read for eclectic movie and pop-culture buffs."
- VideoScope