In his raw and unflinching memoir, Michael Cole, co-star of ABC’s iconic show, THE MOD SQUAD writes about his role as Pete Cochran in the groundbreaking program that dealt with issues never before seen on television -racism, drug abuse, child abuse, the Vietnam War.
Michael gives an often humorous and always brutally honestaccount of his life, his career, his meteoric highs and suicidal lows. For thefirst time, he reveals what it was like to be famous, idolized by millions, andrecognized all over the world, while at the same time struggling with internaldemons - insecurities fostered by abandonment and rejection, and fueled byalcohol. Readers will find his Hollywood stories entertaining, but it is theauthor’s hope that others will be inspired by his story of redemption as hecontinues to cherish his life one day at a time.
Interview with Michael Cole on FOX-TV Channel 2 in Detroit, Mich.
WORDPRESS' "Book Pick of the Weeks" is "Mod Squad"'s Michael Cole's Autobiography: